As 2020 draws to a close, check out these resources to set your organization up for fundraising success in the coming years.

The end of a calendar year provides a natural juncture for reflection and planning. After such a tumultuous year as 2020, it’s more important than ever for development professionals and nonprofit leaders to take stock of all that we’ve been through as we plan for 2021 and beyond.

As 2020 draws to a close, check out some of CCS’s top resources from this unprecedented year.

1) Forward-Looking Philanthropy Webinar

CCS Webinar Replay - Forward-Looking Philanthropy: Lessons Learned from a Tumultuous Year

Tune in to this recorded session to take a deeper look at how nonprofits can use lessons from 2020 when setting 2021 strategies into motion.

Click here to view the webinar recording and download a key takeaways summary.

2) Philanthropic Climate Survey: Fundraising Impact of COVID-19

This spring, CCS launched a three-part Philanthropic Climate Survey series to assess how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected nonprofit fundraising. Our latest Fundraising Impact of COVID-19 report presents September 2020 data from nearly 1,400 respondents representing nonprofits of all sectors.

Click here to read a summary of our latest survey results and click here to download the full report.

3) Snapshot of Today’s Philanthropic Landscape

CCS Philanthropic Landscape cover and page preview, providing an overview of philanthropic giving in the United States

If we want to understand where philanthropy is going, it helps to understand where philanthropy has been. In contrast to our Fundraising Impact of COVID-19 report, CCS’s annual Philanthropic Landscape covers longer-term trends in philanthropy. The report aggregates industry research that can help inform your decision-making and set a baseline by which to measure the effects and scale of future changes in philanthropy.

Click here to download the Philanthropic Landscape report.

4) Blog Highlights

Preview of CCS Fundraising blog: Your Fundraising Forecast Cheat Sheet for 2021

As you develop and refine your 2021 fundraising plans, check out some of CCS’s guidance on revenue forecasting, repositioning your funding focus, and prioritizing prospective donors.

Throughout this extraordinary year of challenges, CCS has been proud to support the nonprofit community in its efforts to persevere. We thank you for all that you do.

To access our full suite of perspectives, publications, and reports, visit our insights page. To learn more about CCS Fundraising’s suite of services, click here.