The COVID-19 pandemic shined a spotlight on the disproportionate impact of health crises on our most vulnerable populations.

In recent months, our global community has faced extraordinary circumstances that have forced long-standing institutional and systemic inequities to the forefront of our collective consciousness. The COVID-19 pandemic shined a spotlight on the disproportionate impact of health crises on our most vulnerable populations, and the Black Lives Matter movement galvanized global attention and action around systemic racism. These events may seem unrelated, but the root of both is simply injustice. While these issues are not new, the attention, momentum, and urgency to address these problems are. CCS Fundraising’s Inequity in a Global Crisis webinar series was originally conceived to discuss inequities amplified by COVID-19, but because of the intersectionality of this work, we hope our research will serve as a catalyst for critical thinking and innovative solutions to create a more just and equitable society.

The ramifications of the current global health pandemic and corresponding economic crisis are not universal. Due to inequities that existed long before the coronavirus, their disproportionate effects on certain populations have been heightened and compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic. Women; black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC); LGBTQ+ communities; people with disabilities; and those experiencing homelessness or economic insecurity are among populations facing challenges that far exceed others. Individuals who form these constituencies are experiencing a significantly greater degree of:

This image shows six panels: 1. Prior to the coronavirus, 25% of domestic workers lived below the poverty line. Currently 72% of Latinx domestic workers report unemployment in the US. 2. Globally, women comprise 76% of the healthcare workforce in nursing homes, doctors' offices, outpatient clinics, and health delivery centers other than hospitals. They also make up more than 80% of workers in other direct care professions including day care for children and seniors, occupational speech and physical therapies, home health and living assistance, and other service industry support roles. 3. Black Americans have historically higher incidences of underlying health conditions most likely to increase the chance of death with COVID-19. Homeless populations have a high circumstantial risk of developing COVID-19 and subsequent barrier to care. 4. Diasporic Asians are experiencing xenophobia and discriminatory threats by misguided association and false information. 5. LGBTQ+ dedicated violence prevention hotlines have seen a 30% increase in calls during the pandemic as a result of stay-at-home confinement living arrangements. 6. Life-sustaining medical treatments are at risk for the 61 million Americans who live with a disability and the 350 million individuals worldwide who are affected by a rare disease diagnosis.

While the risk of contracting COVID-19 is universally threatening, the lasting impact of inequity will burden these communities long after the pandemic has ended.

Many of these effects can be minimized with robust support from the broader philanthropic community. However, doing so successfully will require more than a “one-size-fits-all” fundraising effort to alleviate the unique suffering experienced by these underserved populations. Fundraising to alleviate the long-term effects of the pandemic and concurrent economic crisis requires empathy, agility, innovation, and a dynamic perspective in order to meet the diversity of needs these communities face.

This effort begins with a commitment to reduce stigma and build community resilience by:

This image shows 10 suggestions: 1. Sharing the need for social and financial support for marginalized groups 2. Maintaining privacy and confidentiality of those seeking healthcare 3. Quickly communicating the risk or lack of risk associated with products, people, and places 4. Raising awareness about COVID-19 without increasing fear 5. Sharing accurate and accessible information about how the virus spreads 6. Speaking out against negative behaviors and the exclusion of marginalized groups 7. Being cautious about the images that are shared to avoid reinforcing stereotypes 8. Engaging with marginalized groups in person and through social media 9. Thanking healthcare workers, responders, and those providing essential services 10. Nonprofit leaders: having discussions with your board about the relationship between justice/equity and your mission.

The question then becomes: how do we contextualize this information when building a responsive funding strategy? Philanthropists and nonprofit organizations can transform the future and help rebuild the fabric of society by viewing their mission through a lens that acknowledges these inequities. This will help align their existing work with the needs that have been brought into global focus.


Although increased access to resources is the common theme, we should examine the structures in place that have created these inequities. Philanthropists and nonprofit organizations can begin to address these issues in some of the following ways:

For more information on these topics and fundraising strategies to address inequities amplified by the current pandemic, we hope you will view our webinar presented on June 3, 2020. We also encourage you to access these Inequality in a Global Crisis documents that provide resources and references for each of these constituencies.