Throughout the past 18 months, the Catholic Church was challenged to respond to the realities of COVID-19 by adapting to a new way of communicating with constituents. A critical focus remains placed on continuing communication by leveraging available technology while maintaining or increasing our human empathy and connection.

Throughout the month of June, join CCS Fundraising and #iGiveCatholic for a three-part video series featuring engaging conversations with dioceses, parishes, and schools to hear firsthand how these organizations have navigated stewardship in a digital world.

Series Introduction

Tune in for a series introduction featuring Cory Howat, President of #iGiveCatholic and Executive Director of the Catholic Community Foundation of the Archdiocese of New Orleans, and Brad Patterson, Senior Vice President at CCS Fundraising.

First Episode

Episode One of Perspectives on Stewardship in a Digital World is live! Tune in for a fun, brief, and informative discussion about Catholic stewardship in a digital world, featuring Julie Kenny from #iGiveCatholic. Thanks to our hosts, Cory J. Howat from #iGiveCatholic and Brad Patterson from CCS Fundraising!

Second Episode

Throughout 2020, the Catholic Church was challenged to respond to the realities of COVID-19 by adapting to a new way of communicating with constituents. Tune in to see how Amy Ponson, Executive Director at The Catholic Foundation of South Louisiana, navigated 2020 and 2021. Thanks to Cory J. Howat from #iGiveCatholic and Brad Patterson from CCS Fundraising, our series hosts!

Third Episode

Join us for our final episode of Stewardship in a Digital World, a video series on Catholic fundraising strategy! This episode features Rick Carrico, Development Director St. Leo Catholic Church. Thanks to Cory J. Howat from #iGiveCatholic and Brad Patterson from CCS for hosting this special series!

In this webinar broadcasted on January 6, 2021, CCS Vice President Blake Reiser breaks down the key elements of Capital Campaigns including common defections, traditional campaign outcomes, essential campaign elements, and important considerations before opening up the floor for discussion.

Tune in to learn more!


Blake Reiser

Blake Reiser

Senior Vice President

Join fellow thought leaders and colleagues as we navigate the principles of fundraising, collaborate on how to pivot your annual fund for FY2021, investigate how data analytics could help uncover potential within your pipeline, and share examples of creative ways to engage your alumni. In the time of navigating this new normal, creativity and innovation are going to lead us to survive and thrive.


Principles of Fundraising at Independent Schools: Navigating the Challenges Presented by COVID-19

Wednesday, July 22 , 2020

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will be far-reaching and independent schools will look dramatically different in its aftermath. What can we anticipate in terms of the short-term and long-term impact on philanthropy? How will this affect your fundraising results through 2020 and beyond? What steps can and should you take now to come out of this crisis well-positioned to take advantage of the opportunities a post-COVID-19 world will provide? How can we create a narrative for donor engagement today that strikes the right tone of optimism and immediate need? These are just a few of the questions that were explored in this session designed to arm you with helpful tools to navigate these uncharted and choppy seas. Presented by CCS Vice President Julie Siebel and Executive Director Catherine Sun, in partnership with Sam Cieplicki from Phoenix Country Day School.


Uncovering Hidden Gems Within Your Prospect Base

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

How well connected are you with your community? Parent and alumni loyalty to the school is strong while they are attending. If identified and managed correctly, this loyalty offers opportunities to connect after graduation. Despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, independent schools still need to cultivate and steward their donors for organizational sustainability and even growth. Yet with so many other tasks, how do you prioritize this crucial work? Using knowledge about your community to identify engagement patterns can help uncover the hidden gems within your prospect pool. Prospect management has evolved into a highly strategic and critical element for any organization looking to fully understand the scope of wealth, interests, and relationships within their own communities. This session explores how to analyze and differentiate critical data points within your community and use these to launch a robust prospect engagement plan. We share proven solutions and a prospect matrix tool to uncover hidden prospects, prioritize your best possible donors, and build systems and plans that will only serve to advance your philanthropic efforts during this current crisis and when we emerge from it. Presented by CCS Vice President Julie Siebel and Executive Director Catherine Sun.

session 3

Realigning Your Annual Fund to a COVID-19 World

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

As you have completed the 2019-2020 school year, how are you positioning your fundraising strategy to meet your annual fund goals? How have you pivoted to keep fundraising momentum for your annual fund? Explore these questions and more in this guided discussion. Presented by CCS Senior Vice President Aashika Patel and Vice President Blake Reiser.

Session 4

Evolving Your Alumni Engagement Strategy

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

In the best of times, alumni engagement for independent schools is a tough mountain to climb. We are all challenged to create a robust engagement program that provides a growing philanthropic income stream with limited resources and for alumni who may not prioritize our schools in their charitable giving. How can we preserve the alumni gains we have made and continue to develop meaningful relationships (steward/cultivate) with alumni during a time when the bulk of our engagement tactics must change? These questions and more will be answered in this engaging session presented by CCS Senior Vice President Aashika Patel and Vice President Julie Siebel, in partnership with Jennifer Johnson from Chandler School.


Aashika Patel

Aashika Patel

Managing Director

CCS Fundraising
Julia M. Siebel

Julia M. Siebel

Senior Vice President

Blake Reiser

Blake Reiser

Senior Vice President

COVID-19 has brought about unprecedented shifts in philanthropy, requiring organizations to adapt their case for support and fundraising plan to cater to a new giving environment.

In this webinar, CCS Senior Vice President Kate Villa is joined by a panel of speakers including Denella Clark (President, Boston Arts Academy Foundation), Melissa Cording (Director of Development, Bridge Over Troubled Waters), Andrea Finnerty (Chief Development Officer, Cambridge School of Weston, Past President of WID), and David Woodruff (AVP & COO, MIT Resource Development President of AFP Massachusetts).


Kate Villa

Kate Villa

Managing Director

An election is on the horizon, markets are reeling, and confusion still lingers over the 2017 tax changes. It’s only natural to question whether your development shop is prepared for an economic rollercoaster. For more than 70 years, CCS Fundraising has partnered with nonprofits to advance their development initiatives during booming economic times, challenging recessions, and everything in between.

In this webinar in partnership with AFP Massachusetts, Senior Vice Presidents Sarah Krasin and Kate Villa of CCS Boston explore lessons learned from previous economic cycles and how your organization can turn a time of uncertainty into a time of fundraising opportunity.


Kate Villa

Kate Villa

Managing Director

Sarah Krasin

Sarah Krasin

Principal and Managing Director

As many nonprofit organizations seek guidance on how to proceed during this time of uncertainty, we want to support your programs by offering practical advice and expertise on how best to move forward. Our leaders at CCS Fundraising held this webinar to share perspectives and proven strategies, drawing from the firm’s 70+ years of experience in advising nonprofits across sectors through challenging periods. Attendees explored:

  • Key Lessons from Critical Moments in the Past 
  • Unique Implications of the Current Situation
  • Suggested Strategies During a Crisis

In the recording of the webinar, CCS leaders Robert Kissane, Rick Happy, and Lindsay Marciniak shared their perspectives.


Lindsay Marciniak

Lindsay Marciniak

Managing Director

Robert Kissane

Robert Kissane

Former Chairman