Generosity is the surest way we see the best in each other and make our values manifest.

Dominic Pepper

Featured Insights


Transitioning Crisis-Based Donors to Mission-Based Donors

March 2021

Nonprofit institutions across the country received an influx of donors in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. How might these organizations encourage donors to offer long-term mission support after making short-term crisis donations?


Moving from Response to Recovery: A Case Study with United Way Worldwide Facing a World Reordering Moment

March 25, 2021

Nonprofits are looking for ways to transition out of crisis response to long-term community recovery. Learn more about United Way Worldwide’s strategy and key tips for nonprofits looking for enduring stabilization.


Tax Policy Changes and Charitable Giving: What Fundraisers Need to Know

May 27, 2021

This article provides an overview of the potential implications of tax reform on charitable giving, along with guidance for fundraisers looking to discuss these matters with their donors.