Sincerity breads trust. Trust builds relationships. Relationships lead to long-term sustainability. The must exist in balance to be fully realized.

A profile picture of Jeremy Monty

Jeremy brings two decades of experience educating, communicating with, and encouraging others to be involved and make a difference in their communities. For the past seven years, he has utilized his experience with gift planning, lead gift cultivation, prospect identification, campaign fulfillment, and board development to help his clients achieve their goals. Jeremy is detail oriented and approaches each project strategically and analytically.

Over the past few years Jeremy has focused his efforts on how to create a gift planning mentality with each client he works with. Jeremy has presented on the ever-evolving topic of gift planning at regional workshops and with CCS Leadership groups. He is a member of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners, has participated in gift planning conferences, and is a Gift Planning Officer at CCS.

Jeremy specializes in taking on complex projects and bringing them back to the basics to realize success. He has significant operational experience and has been recognized for his ability to explain complex ideas and processes in a way that makes sense at any level.  Jeremy has also proven to be a team player by building others up and helping them achieve their goals and dreams while working toward common team objectives.

select client partners

  • Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee
  • St. John’s Northwestern Academies
  • Archdiocese of Chicago
  • Archdiocese of Milwaukee
  • Lourdes Academy, Oshkosh, WI
  • Catholic Services Appeal Foundation – Saint Paul/Minneapolis


155 North Wacker
Suite 1790
Chicago, IL 60606

(312) 596-9300

Thank you for your interest in a partnership with CCS Fundraising. We are proud to work with nonprofit organizations that do such impactful work in our communities.

Over our decades of history in the nonprofit industry, we have learned that our services are best suited for established 501(c)3 organizations with operating capacities of at least $3-5 million or more.

If your nonprofit does not fit this description at this time, we advise that you explore the free foundational resources available on our Fundraising Fundamentals page. Developed by our fundraising consultant experts to provide a starting point for emerging organizations, we hope you can leverage these resources to propel your fundraising efforts forward, with the goal of an engagement with CCS once you are further along in your fundraising journey.

We look forward to hearing from you and exploring how our services can maximize your fundraising efforts.

Featured Insights


2023 Planned Giving Spotlight: Key Findings, Trends, and Best Practices

August 1, 2023

Unlock the Power of Planned Giving! Learn how to strengthen donor relationships, boost immediate & future cash flow, and establish a foundation for sustainability through this informative video.