The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice

Margaret joined CCS in 2001.  She spent the years immediately preceding her venture into prospect research raising her children.  Prior to that, she was the Marketing Communications Manager for a Medical Capital Equipment company and before that, taught high school history and French.   Margaret subscribes to and uses the most comprehensive databases of public information available as well as actively participating in research listservs and forums.  She also authors a weekly internal blog on the latest and greatest research tips.  Additionally, Margaret serves as the lead research trainer for CCS’ Internal Learning Program and has developed classes including Comprehensive Prospect Research, Insiders and the SEC, Real Estate Analysis, and the Foundation Universe.  She is also a member in good standing of APRA and has conducted prospect research classes for the organization in the past.   Margaret has been passionate about philanthropy and volunteering her entire life. The prospect of assisting the many wonderful clients that CCS has served in their endeavors to make the world a better place is impossible for her to resist.

select client partners

  • Americares
  • Sean Parker Foundation
  • Bideawee
  • CDC Foundation
  • Oxford University
  • Archdiocese of Boston
  • Archdiocese of Los Angeles
  • American Red Cross
  • United Way
  • Boys and Girls Club of America
  • Lions Club International

Headquarters: New York

527 Madison Avenue
5th Floor
New York, NY 10022

(212) 695-1175

Thank you for your interest in a partnership with CCS Fundraising. We are proud to work with nonprofit organizations that do such impactful work in our communities.

Over our decades of history in the nonprofit industry, we have learned that our services are best suited for established 501(c)3 organizations with operating capacities of at least $3-5 million or more.

If your nonprofit does not fit this description at this time, we advise that you explore the free foundational resources available on our Fundraising Fundamentals page. Developed by our fundraising consultant experts to provide a starting point for emerging organizations, we hope you can leverage these resources to propel your fundraising efforts forward, with the goal of an engagement with CCS once you are further along in your fundraising journey.

We look forward to hearing from you and exploring how our services can maximize your fundraising efforts.