Mariama Holman

Featured Insights


5 Considerations for Choosing Your Nonprofit’s Donor CRM

July 1, 2021

Oftentimes, nonprofits seek to resolve their database issues by buying a new CRM software subscription. These five considerations can help your organization get to the root of its CRM issues and understand what it needs from the software.


Top Five Tips for Creating Robust Major Gift Portfolios Using CRM Data

July 28, 2021

These five tips will help your development department leverage the data in its donor database to ensure the right prospects are in gift officers’ portfolios.


Dos and Don’ts of Using Your Database for Fundraising Success

July 8, 2021

Your database only functions as well as the staff managing it. Building human-backed processes and systems for CRM maintenance will help your nonprofit strengthen its library of institutional knowledge on donors and empower fundraisers with the information they need to succeed. Check out CCS consultant Mariama Holman’s tips for using your database for fundraising success!