Our work is meaningful because it helps to address urgent priorities in our communities and around the world. It is especially gratifying to see sustained impact long after the campaigns are completed—with our nonprofit partners engaging new volunteers, expanding awareness, and seeing the accompanying robust return on philanthropic investment.

A profile picture of Bo Rice.

Bo Rice manages CCS’s Mid-Atlantic and Southeast operations. Throughout his 37 years with CCS, Bo has guided organizations in the U.S., Europe, and Middle East and across all non-profit sectors to secure billions of dollars in philanthropic support.

Bo has worked with the most devoted individuals who give their energy to non-profit organizations. His passion is helping them fulfill their missions and secure the philanthropic support to impact society.

Bo is past chair of the Boys’ Latin School of Maryland Board’s development committee and the Peace Players International Board’s development committee. He has also served on the volunteer boards of Habitat for Humanity of New Castle County, the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Maryland Chapter, Sandtown Habitat for Humanity, and ePhilanthropy Foundation. Bo is a frequent lecturer at international, national, and regional conferences including AFP, AHP, Blackbaud, APRA, CASE, NAIS, and Volunteers of America.

Bo graduated from Denison University. He resides in Lutherville, Maryland with his wife, Maryann and they are proud parents of their three sons, Nelson, Charles, and Robert.

select client partners

  • Archdioceses of Baltimore and Washington
  • Baltimore Community Foundation
  • Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
  • Benedictine Schools of Richmond
  • Calvert School
  • Dioceses of Charleston and Pittsburgh
  • Emory University
  • Habitat for Humanity International
  • Howard University
  • Living Classrooms Foundation
  • Make-A-Wish of Southern Florida
  • Mercy Health Services
  • National Parks Conservation Association
  • Peddie School
  • Seminary of the Southwest
  • Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture
  • Spelman College
  • The University of the South: Sewanee
  • United Negro College Fund
  • United States Naval Academy
  • University of Maryland Medical System
  • Virginia Theological Seminary
  • White House Fellows Foundation and Association 


100 East Pratt Street
Suite 2118
Baltimore, MD 21202

(410) 337-2612

Washington, DC

1667 K Street NW
Suite 210
Washington, DC 20006

(202) 628-4402

Thank you for your interest in a partnership with CCS Fundraising. We are proud to work with nonprofit organizations that do such impactful work in our communities.

Over our decades of history in the nonprofit industry, we have learned that our services are best suited for established 501(c)3 organizations with operating capacities of at least $3-5 million or more.

If your nonprofit does not fit this description at this time, we advise that you explore the free foundational resources available on our Fundraising Fundamentals page. Developed by our fundraising consultant experts to provide a starting point for emerging organizations, we hope you can leverage these resources to propel your fundraising efforts forward, with the goal of an engagement with CCS once you are further along in your fundraising journey.

We look forward to hearing from you and exploring how our services can maximize your fundraising efforts.

Featured Insights


The CCS Philanthropy Pulse: What Does the Data Say and What Does it Mean for Higher Education Institutions?

Spring 2022

How are schools approaching fundraising this year? And how does it differ from years past? View this webinar recording to discover key findings from a recent survey of nearly 100 schools.


Authentically Inclusive: A New Podcast Series from CCS Fundraising and the Kellogg School of Management

November 3, 2021

CCS and the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University have teamed up to create a new three-part podcast series, Authentically Inclusive, which provides expert ideas and practical insights to support the promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion across nonprofit organizations and communities.