It is a privilege to spend every day with motivated, compassionate individuals who are committed to improving their communities.

Since joining CCS in 2017, Sarah has partnered with nonprofits to secure the philanthropic support necessary to fulfilling their missions.  Sarah has advised small startups and landmark organizations alike, with goals ranging from $5 million to $125 million. Her areas of expertise include campaign planning and management; principal, leadership, and major gifts; case development; annual giving programs; and development assessments. Sarah has served and counseled organizations that span sectors including arts and culture, social service, independent and boarding schools, and higher education. Sarah is a leader of CCS’s independent schools practice group and presents regularly at regional and national conferences including CAIS, NYSAIS, TABS, and NAIS.

Prior to joining CCS, Sarah was an elementary school educator at schools in and around New York. During her years in the classroom, Sarah experienced the incredible impact philanthropy can have on educational institutions and the many doors charitable giving can open for young learners.

Sarah received her BA from Bowdoin College and her MEd from Manhattanville College. A native of San Diego, CA, Sarah resides in Manhattan where she spends her free time visiting museums, reading, volunteering, and exploring the city’s parks with her dog, Sadie.

select client partners

  • American Museum of Natural History
  • Dodd Center for Human Rights – University of Connecticut
  • Horace Mann School
  • Saint Anthony Hall
  • Sid Jacobson JCC
  • Speyer Legacy School

Headquarters: New York

527 Madison Avenue
5th Floor
New York, NY 10022

(212) 695-1175

Thank you for your interest in a partnership with CCS Fundraising. We are proud to work with nonprofit organizations that do such impactful work in our communities.

Over our decades of history in the nonprofit industry, we have learned that our services are best suited for established 501(c)3 organizations with operating capacities of at least $3-5 million or more.

If your nonprofit does not fit this description at this time, we advise that you explore the free foundational resources available on our Fundraising Fundamentals page. Developed by our fundraising consultant experts to provide a starting point for emerging organizations, we hope you can leverage these resources to propel your fundraising efforts forward, with the goal of an engagement with CCS once you are further along in your fundraising journey.

We look forward to hearing from you and exploring how our services can maximize your fundraising efforts.

Featured Insights


You Got the Job … Now What? Preparing New Heads of School for Fundraising Success

August 11, 2021

While new Heads of School are often prepared for the academic and administrative aspects of the job, CCS has found that first-time heads are often surprised by the demands on their time posed by the school’s fundraising program. With ample time between appointment and the first day on the job, CCS has recommendations for how new heads can prepare themselves to be comfortable and confident in the role of “fundraiser-in-chief.”


The Importance of the Invitation: Using Events to Drive Capital Campaign Activity

July 18, 2019

Independent schools often rely heavily on one, large annual event to meet important fundraising goals, but may want to consider diversifying their event strategies so that they are tailored to engage donors wherever they are in their philanthropic journeys.