It is a privilege to work with our clients as they make our communities stronger healthier, and more resilient.

Ted Blackburn has been with CCS for nearly 20 years serving as advisor to organizations across the nonprofit spectrum, including healthcare, independent and higher education, human services, faith, environment and conservation, arts and culture, and advocacy. Ted has dedicated his career to bringing enthusiasm, expertise, and smart solutions to his nonprofit partners to advance their missions.

Ted’s experience includes development strategic planning, lead, principal and major gift programs, capital campaign planning and management, endowment fundraising, foundation and corporate giving, grassroots fundraising strategies, board development and engagement, data and analytics utilization, and volunteer and staff training. Over the course of his career he has designed, advised and directed dozens of resource development initiatives that have raised collectively over $10 billion, positively impacting people and communities of across country.

Ted is a recognized expert in philanthropy and has lead presentations and workshops for the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), Counsel for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), and Counsel for Advancement and Support of Education – National Associate of Independent Schools (CASE-NAIS). Ted is the Co-Chair of CCS Healthcare Practice Group and a longtime member of CCS Learning Faculty.

Ted is a graduate of Lafayette College and serves on the Lafayette Athletics Maroon Club Board of Directors. He is also the Chair of the Friends of Lafayette Lacrosse Leadership Council.

Select client Partners

  • Lucille Packard Foundation for Children’s Health
  • Sutter Health and California Pacific Medical Center
  • NatureBridge
  • UC Davis Health
  • UC Merced
  • India Basin Parks Project
  • Waterford School 

San Francisco

One Sansome Street
Suite 3680
San Francisco, CA 94104

(415) 392-5395

Thank you for your interest in a partnership with CCS Fundraising. We are proud to work with nonprofit organizations that do such impactful work in our communities.

Over our decades of history in the nonprofit industry, we have learned that our services are best suited for established 501(c)3 organizations with operating capacities of at least $3-5 million or more.

If your nonprofit does not fit this description at this time, we advise that you explore the free foundational resources available on our Fundraising Fundamentals page. Developed by our fundraising consultant experts to provide a starting point for emerging organizations, we hope you can leverage these resources to propel your fundraising efforts forward, with the goal of an engagement with CCS once you are further along in your fundraising journey.

We look forward to hearing from you and exploring how our services can maximize your fundraising efforts.

Featured Insights


10 Tips for Retaining Fundraising Staff in Healthcare

December 7, 2023

You’ve hired excellent fundraising staff but are worried about retention. Learn how to ensure that your fundraising team thrives in the fast-paced and high-achieving work environment of your healthcare organization.